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Class Model

Package class diagram package Model
    • Constructor Detail

      • Model

        public Model()
    • Method Detail

      • setModelConfiguration

        public final void setModelConfiguration(String model)
        Set the xml string for the element in the configuration file.
        model - a string representation of the xml section defining the configuration of the model.
      • setModelDataLookup

        public final void setModelDataLookup(Lookup lookup)
        Set the lookup object that allows access to the data files specified in the configuration file.
        lookup - the XML element corresponding to the Model element in the config.
      • setModelParameters

        public final void setModelParameters(List<Parameter> parameters)
        Set the list of parameters for the model.
        parameters - a collection of parameters for the model.
      • setModelPriors

        public final void setModelPriors(List<Prior> priors)
        Set the list of priors for the model.
        priors - a collection of priors for the model.
      • getUniformPrior

        public final UniformPrior getUniformPrior(String name)
        Get the prior of a paramter for the model given the parameter name (as defined in the config file).
        name - the name of the parameter.
        the prior defeind in the configuration file.
      • hasParameter

        public final boolean hasParameter(String name)
        Determine whether or not a parameter exists in the config file.
        name - the name of the parameter.
        true if the parameter exists in the config file, false otherwise.
      • getParameterValue

        public final String getParameterValue(String name)
        Get the value of a parameter for the model given the parameter name (as defined in the config file).
        name - the name of the parameter.
        a string value of the value for the parameter.
      • getParameterValueAsDouble

        public final Double getParameterValueAsDouble(String name)
        Get the value (as a double) of a parameter for the model given the parameter name (as defined in the config file).
        name - the name of the parameter.
        a string value of the value for the parameter.
      • getParameterValueAsInteger

        public final Integer getParameterValueAsInteger(String name)
        Get the value (as an integer) of a parameter for the model given the parameter name (as defined in the config file).
        name - the name of the parameter.
        a string value of the value for the parameter.
      • getParameterValueAsBoolean

        public final Boolean getParameterValueAsBoolean(String name)
        Get the value (as a boolean) of a parameter for the model given the parameter name (as defined in the config file).
        name - the name of the parameter.
        a string value of the value for the parameter.
      • init

        public abstract void init()
        Initialise the model. This method is called by the framework before calling the models run method to allow the implementation of the model to perform any initialisation required.
      • run

        public abstract void run()
        Run the model. This is the entry point to the model from the framework, up til now the framework has read any configuration files and processed data mentioned therein.
      • finalise

        public abstract void finalise()
        End the model. This method is called by the framework after the model has finished running.

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