Interface | Description |
AbcController |
AbcController class for running abc.
AbcDistance |
Create the distance measure required for the ABC rejection algorithm.
AbcModel |
A simple model class thats runs a model and creates named quantities, i.e.
AbcPriorsSampler |
This interface determines how the Prior distribution(s) should be sampled.
Class | Description |
AbcAbsDistance |
Create a default controller that run 1000 samples from the prior.
AbcMaxNumStepController |
Create a default controller that run 1000 samples from the prior.
AbcNamedQuantity |
An ABC named quantity is an order maintaining store of key-value pairs that can be used to store parameters
for a model or the summary statistic calculated by a model.
ApproxBayesianComp |
This class runs an approximate Bayesian computation, sampling from the posterior.
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