
 * Copyright 2013 University of Glasgow.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package broadwick.data.readers;

import broadwick.BroadwickException;
import broadwick.config.generated.CustomTags;
import broadwick.config.generated.DataFiles;
import broadwick.data.DatabaseImpl;
import com.google.common.base.Throwables;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

 * Read a file containing the population data.
public class PopulationsFileReader extends DataFileReader {

     * Create the populations file reader.
     * @param populationFile the [xml] tag of the config file that is to be read.
     * @param dbImpl         the implementation of the database object.
    public PopulationsFileReader(final DataFiles.PopulationFile populationFile,
                                 final DatabaseImpl dbImpl) {

        this.database = dbImpl;
        this.dataFile = populationFile.getName();
        this.dateFields = new HashSet<>();
        this.dateFormat = populationFile.getDateFormat();
        this.insertedColInfo = new TreeMap<>();
        this.populationFile = populationFile;

        if (populationFile.getLifeHistory() != null) {
        } else if (populationFile.getPopulation() != null) {
        } else {
            throw new BroadwickException("Cannot read Populations section - No lifeHistory or population section found.");

     * Read the life history declarations of a population file section in the configuration file, if there are errors,
     * they are noted and and exception is thrown with ALL the errors at the end of the method.
    private void readLifeHistory() {
        tableName = LIFE_HISTORIES_TABLE_NAME;
        final Collection<String> primaryKeys = Arrays.asList(ID);
        final StringBuilder errors = new StringBuilder();
        this.createTableCommand = new StringBuilder();
        updateCreateTableCommand(ID, populationFile.getLifeHistory().getIdColumn(), " VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, ",
                                 insertedColInfo, createTableCommand, LIFE_HISTORIES_TABLE_NAME, SECTION_NAME, errors);
        updateCreateTableCommand(DATE_OF_BIRTH, populationFile.getLifeHistory().getDateOfBirthColumn()," INT, ", 
                                 insertedColInfo, createTableCommand, LIFE_HISTORIES_TABLE_NAME,
                                 SECTION_NAME, errors);
        updateCreateTableCommand(LOCATION_OF_BIRTH, populationFile.getLifeHistory().getLocationOfBirthColumn(),
                                 " VARCHAR(128), ", insertedColInfo, createTableCommand, LIFE_HISTORIES_TABLE_NAME,
                                 SECTION_NAME, errors);
        updateCreateTableCommand(DATE_OF_DEATH, populationFile.getLifeHistory().getDateOfDeathColumn(), " INT, ",
                                 insertedColInfo, createTableCommand, LIFE_HISTORIES_TABLE_NAME, SECTION_NAME, errors);
        updateCreateTableCommand(LOCATION_OF_DEATH, populationFile.getLifeHistory().getLocationOfDeathColumn(),
                                 " VARCHAR(128), ", insertedColInfo, createTableCommand, LIFE_HISTORIES_TABLE_NAME,
                                 SECTION_NAME, errors);
        updateCreateTableCommand(SPECIES, populationFile.getLifeHistory().getSpeciesColumn(),
                                 " VARCHAR(32), ", insertedColInfo, createTableCommand, LIFE_HISTORIES_TABLE_NAME,
                                 SECTION_NAME, errors);

        if (populationFile.getCustomTags() != null) {
            for (CustomTags.CustomTag tag : populationFile.getCustomTags().getCustomTag()) {
                updateCreateTableCommand(tag.getName(), tag.getColumn(), " VARCHAR(128), ",
                                         insertedColInfo, createTableCommand, LIFE_HISTORIES_TABLE_NAME, SECTION_NAME, errors);
                if ("date".equals(tag.getType())) {

        if (populationFile.getLifeHistory().getDateOfBirthColumn() > 0) {

        if (populationFile.getLifeHistory().getDateOfDeathColumn() > 0) {

        final StringBuilder createIndexCommand = new StringBuilder();
        createTableCommand.append("PRIMARY KEY (").append(asCsv(primaryKeys)).append("));");

//        createIndexCommand.append(" DROP INDEX IDX_POP_ID IF EXISTS;");
        createIndexCommand.append(String.format(" CREATE INDEX IDX_POP_ID ON %s (%s);",
                                                LIFE_HISTORIES_TABLE_NAME, ID));
//        createIndexCommand.append(" DROP INDEX IDX_POP_DATE IF EXISTS;");
        createIndexCommand.append(String.format(" CREATE INDEX IDX_POP_DATE ON %s (%s,%s,%s);",
                                                LIFE_HISTORIES_TABLE_NAME, ID, DATE_OF_BIRTH, DATE_OF_DEATH));


        insertString = String.format("MERGE INTO %s (%s) KEY (%S) VALUES (%s)",

        if (errors.length() > 0) {
            throw new BroadwickException(errors.toString());

     * Read the populations declarations of a population file section in the configuration file, if there are errors,
     * they are noted and and exception is thrown with ALL the errors at the end of the method.
    private void readPopulation() {
        tableName = POPULATIONS_TABLE_NAME;
        final StringBuilder errors = new StringBuilder();
        this.createTableCommand = new StringBuilder();
        updateCreateTableCommand(LOCATION, populationFile.getPopulation().getLocationIdColumn(), " VARCHAR(128), ",
                                 insertedColInfo, createTableCommand, POPULATIONS_TABLE_NAME, SECTION_NAME, errors);
        updateCreateTableCommand(POPULATION, populationFile.getPopulation().getPopulationSizeColumn(), " VARCHAR(128), ",
                                 insertedColInfo, createTableCommand, POPULATIONS_TABLE_NAME, SECTION_NAME, errors);
        updateCreateTableCommand(DATE_LC, populationFile.getPopulation().getPopulationDateColumn(), " INT, ",
                                 insertedColInfo, createTableCommand, POPULATIONS_TABLE_NAME, SECTION_NAME, errors);


        if (populationFile.getPopulation().getSpeciesColumn() != null) {
            if (populationFile.getPopulation().getSpeciesColumn() != 0) {
                updateCreateTableCommand(SPECIES, populationFile.getPopulation().getSpeciesColumn(),
                                         " VARCHAR(32), ", insertedColInfo, createTableCommand, POPULATIONS_TABLE_NAME,
                                         SECTION_NAME, errors);
            } else {
                errors.append("No ").append(SPECIES).append(" column set in ").append(SECTION_NAME).append(" section\n");

        if (populationFile.getCustomTags() != null) {
            for (CustomTags.CustomTag tag : populationFile.getCustomTags().getCustomTag()) {
                if (populationFile.getPopulation().getSpeciesColumn() != 0) {
                    updateCreateTableCommand(tag.getName(), tag.getColumn(), " VARCHAR(128), ",
                                             insertedColInfo, createTableCommand, POPULATIONS_TABLE_NAME, SECTION_NAME, errors);
                } else {
                    errors.append("No ").append(tag.getName()).append(" column set in ").append(SECTION_NAME).append(" section\n");

        if (populationFile.getPopulation().getPopulationDateColumn() > 0) {

        final StringBuilder createIndexCommand = new StringBuilder();
        createTableCommand.deleteCharAt(createTableCommand.length() - 1);

//        createIndexCommand.append(" DROP INDEX IDX_POP_LOCATION IF EXISTS;");
        createIndexCommand.append(String.format(" CREATE INDEX IDX_POP_LOCATION ON %s (%s);",
                                                POPULATIONS_TABLE_NAME, LOCATION));


        insertString = String.format("INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)",
                                     POPULATIONS_TABLE_NAME, asCsv(insertedColInfo.keySet()), asQuestionCsv(insertedColInfo.keySet()));

        if (errors.length() > 0) {
            throw new BroadwickException(errors.toString());

    public final int insert() {
        log.trace("PopulationFileReader insert");

        int inserted = 0;
        try (Connection connection = database.getConnection()) {
            createTable(tableName, createTableCommand.toString(), connection);

            inserted = insert(connection, tableName, insertString, dataFile, dateFormat, insertedColInfo, dateFields);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            log.error("Error reading population data {}. {}", ex.getLocalizedMessage(), Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(ex));
            throw new BroadwickException(ex);
        return inserted;

    private DatabaseImpl database;
    private String dataFile;
    private String dateFormat;
    private StringBuilder createTableCommand;
    private String insertString;
    private Map<String, Integer> insertedColInfo;
    private Collection<Integer> dateFields;
    private DataFiles.PopulationFile populationFile;
    private static String tableName;
    private static final String ID = "ID";
    private static final String LOCATION = "LOCATION";
    private static final String POPULATION = "POPULATION";
    private static final String DATE_LC = "DATE";
    private static final String SPECIES = "SPECIES";
    private static final String DATE_OF_BIRTH = "DATEOFBIRTH";
    private static final String LOCATION_OF_BIRTH = "LOCATIONOFBIRTH";
    private static final String DATE_OF_DEATH = "DATEOFDEATH";
    private static final String LOCATION_OF_DEATH = "LOCATIONOFDEATH";
    private static final String SECTION_NAME = "PopulationsFile";
    private static final String POPULATIONS_TABLE_NAME = "POPULATIONS";
    private static final String LIFE_HISTORIES_TABLE_NAME = "LIFEHISTORIES";